Academics > Early Years School

Early Years School

Our Early Year department follows the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum of the British National Curriculum, setting standards for the learning, development and care of your child/ward from ages one to five. It focuses on seven areas of learning known as the learning goals.

Areas of Learning

Specific Areas

Communication and Languages

Listening attentively, understanding and following instructions and self-expression.

Personal Social and Emotional Development

Develop self-confidence, manage feelings, and build a positive relationship with others.

Communication and Languages

Listening attentively, understanding and following instructions and self-expression.

Areas of Learning

Prime Areas


Show an interest in books and reading, recognise and write their names and begin to blend sounds to read simple words and sentences.


Count reliably, recognize and name numbers, and explore and describe shapes and patterns


Show an interest in books and reading, recognise and write their names and begin to blend sounds to read simple words and sentences.

Expressive Arts & Design

Explore and use different materials to create art, express themselves through music and movement, and engage in imaginative play


Our admissions process includes 6 unique stages, 8 specific reuirements and testing and interviews for Nursery 2 and upwards